Not Spam 
“Sending too many advertising spam e-mail every day with lie in it is not nice. We have to spend a lot of time every day to clean our mail box. Sometime I even get advertising in Chinese language lol Sorry, can’t read these, too complicated for an old guy like me. “Said by Markus. False certification is also common, way too much and reflect badly on the honest one and good one, because these is many good and honest, but the surch to find them is long and hard 🙂
Good Website
Many PCB supplier’s web sites using the same formula: fuzzy certificates, pictures of PCB’s and of course the exterior of the plant (never seeing a name) and shots of empty departments showing equipment and laboratories. give us work, good quality, common accreditation and capabilities.
Technical knowledge
While the talk is to get more professionalism going on out reaching for customers by front line sales, all the professionalism and acquired technical knowledge by the sales person isnt going to help one bit when the buyer only knows how to read a computer screen which supplies them with a 98% supplier rating as a decision maker.You might already hit upon the lack of technical expertise, this I find to be quite true in that PCB sales in Caring Circuit are technically competent. I’m not saying that they could work on the floor as a process engineer, but they have more than the basics in place. In Caring circuit, I am aware of sales people who have gerber capability on their notebooks, and can do a quick design rule eval and quote based on gerber without submitting a package to a CAM department and waiting overnite (typical) for the word on the manufacturability of the product. This can be done right at the customers site, in the purchasing dept conference room…
Good Negotiation
As to ‘negotiation’… although its an Olympic sport in china (grin), most salespeople I’ve seen are actually very poor at it, the buyers know that they have the upper hand (he who has the gold, makes the rules), and exploit this. its almost a cultural thing although the sales people will deny it. Almost all sales people in China seem to be unable to differentiate anything except price . Technical expertise (copying doesn’t count), leadtime differentiation, ability to hold stock or ship to stock, quality management systems… never seem to get metioned.
Not lowest price
“you get what you pay for ”explains everything of the accusation on the price and quality against China PCB suppliers.It is ture the manufacturing capacity can be different,the ability to manage&control also can be different in different company. But there are still good supplier exist in here China.( Iphone5 and Foxconn is a very alive example.) and by the way your PCBs supply from TaiWan may maked from their factory in China mainland too. In case of that,some buyer offshore don’t know China so well, and they really had some heartbreaking experience then whimping about how bad China‘s PCB is. The true is they don’t care about what they gonna get,when they choose the cheaper one. But when they really get the cheaper one, haha, welcome to the real world.